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By joining our community, and any of our events, you agree to the following driver standards.

1) Please install and use Crew Chief

2) When re-joining the track, wait for a substantial gap in traffic and rejoin parallel to the track. (this may mean losing many positions)

3) You are responsible for the car in front, especially when braking / over-taking

4) If you are being lapped by a faster driver, don't panic! Wait for a safe moment, stay on your line and let off the accelerator for a couple of seconds. The faster car will navigate around you. Be predictable.

5) If you are lapping someone, remember to give them plenty of time and patience. Do not speed up to them or flash your lights excessively. Make clear which side of them you intend to be, give them space and slow down a touch. Wait for a safe moment.

6) Just because you have the speed on someone, it doesn’t mean it’s safe to overtake. Wait, wait, wait for a clear, sensible place to overtake.

7) When defending, don’t weave.

8) Don’t brake check anyone.

9) Have patience off the lights and into the first set of corners. You cannot win it in the first minute.

10) Do not race during Qualifying

11) Always be courteous to others, especially in discord.

12) Elitism is prohibited

13) Try to enjoy yourself

14) We also recommend you join voice chat to communicate with other drivers. Even without a mic, listening is helpful.

Remember, there is nothing up for stakes here - we are a community aimed at beginners & intermediates and we all have a duty to help each other improve. Any deliberate and continuous breach of these standards will result in removal from our events and/or Discord.

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